The realness of In Needs of Survival
Underage prostitution happens more than people realize.
Prostitution is the second most profitable crime worldwide
70% of underage prostitution comes from kids in foster care
99.1% of child offenders sentenced to prison; their average sentence was 104 months
92% of foster kids experience some type of abuse. 60% being sexual abuse
390,000 kids are in foster care right now and only 53,000 get adopted each year. 13 to 17 year olds only have a twelve percent chance at getting adopted
Only ten percent of tax money goes into the foster care
1.6 million youths experience homelessness every year in the U.S. and 40% of those kids are part of the LGBTQIA+ community. And there are only 32,9675 beds available in emergency shelters across the United States for homeless people
1 in 4 teens who come out as being part of the LGBTQIA+community are forced to leave their home
68% percent of teens experienced some type of family rejection after coming out
50% of all teens who come out get a negative reaction from their parents
27% of kids in the LGBTQIA+ community have turned to prostitution after being kicked out
Data collected suggest that there are 4.5 million people being trafficked. 945,000 which are kids. 40% of this is happening in America
I see and hear more people talking about how horrible the LGBTQIA plus community is, but I don’t see anyone talking about sex trafficking. People want to say they are pro-life but turn their heads away from the lives that are already here and need help. To anyone who has experienced or is experiencing any abuse, I am deeply sorry and wish I could do more, but if you need a place to go, visit They are here to help. And to anyone who is part of the LGBTQIA-plus community, I want you to know you are perfect in every way; you are not an abomination or weird; you are just you. Always remember to love yourself; And never change for anyone. If you are happy and do not hurt anyone, then what is the problem? Nothing. I do wish you all happiness and healing in your life and situations.